
Hercules and the Centaurs: Hercules holds the head of a centaur with his left hand and raises his club with his right hand, in the foreground and background are fallen and fleeing centaurs, from the series 'The Labors of Hercules'
Nuño Salido Tells the Infantes of the Betrayal and is Killed by a Moor
Theseus and the Minotaur
Plate 24: The Warring Men Born of the Serpent's Teeth (Militum Seges e draconis dentium seminio), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Plate 5: Alexander Directing a Battle, from The Deeds of Alexander the Great
Philip as a Boy before Margaret of Austria
Plate 31: Civilis Forced to Dismount and Swim Across the River, from The War of the Romans Against the Batavians
Plate 8: Women and Children Obvserve Civilis Battling the Romans, from The War of the Romans Against the Batavians (Romanorvm et Batavorvm societas)
God Separating Land and Water
Plate 110: Morpheus, as Ceyx, Appearing to Alcyone (Morpheus Ceycis corpus Halcyoni representat), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Cephalus and Aurora
Plate 21: The Rape of Europa (Iupiter tauri imagine Europam rapit), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Procris Killed by Cephalus's Javelin
Plate 111: Aesacus and Hespeia (Aesacus Eperies mortem dolens ex scopulo se praecipitans abit in mergum), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Plate 142: Pomona and Vertumnus (Vertumnus anili forma Pomonae sui amorem persuadet), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
The Triumph of David over Goliath
Plate 22: Cadmus's Men Killed by the Serpent (Draco Martius Cadmi socios depascit), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Ruy Velazquez Again Wounds Gonzalo Gomez Who, in Turn, Strikes the Prince, Calling the Infantes and Knights to Arms
Civilus gebruikt verplaatsbare houten bruggen bij de aanval op een vesting, 69-70
Plate 65: Medea Urging the Daughters of King Pellias to Murder Their Father (Medea Peliades in parricidium stimulat), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
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