
Not [in this case] either (Tampoco) from the series The Disasters of War (Los Desastres de la Guerra)
Wounds Heal Quicker than Hasty Words (Sanas Cuchilladas Mas No Malas Palabras)
Plate 54 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'Appeals are in vain.' (Clamores en vano.)
El vito (The Andalusian dance)
Plate 46 from ' Los Caprichos': Correction (Correccion.)
Venus and Adonis (Venus y Adonis)
Mucho hay que chupar. (There is plenty to suck.)
Disparates (Los Proverbios)
Wat een kleermaker kan doen!
Plate 74 from 'Los Caprichos': Don't scream, stupid (No grites, tonta)
Plate 20 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'Get them well, and on to the next.' (Curarlos y á otra.)
The Tobacco Guards
Als de dag aanbreekt, zijn wij weg
Plate 17 from the 'Disparates': Loyalty
Beggar with a staff in his right hand; folio 69 from the Images of Spain Album 'F'
Hier komt de boeman
The Same Ceballos Mounted on Another Bull Breaks Short Spears in the Ring at Madrid (El Mismo Ceballos Montado sobre Otro Toro Quiebra Rejones en la Plaza de Madrid)
Modo de volar (A Way of Flying)
Fiero Monstruo! (Fierce Monster!) (Desastres de la Guerra 81)
Plate 31 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'That's tough!' (Fuerte cosa es!)
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