
Scene with Flagellants
Old Man on a Swing (Le Vieux se Balaçant)
Plate 7 from the 'Disparates':  Disorderly Folly
Bekende dwaasheid
Beggar with a staff in his left hand; folio 70 from the Images of Spain Album 'F'
Margarita de Austria
And his house is on fire
Plate 45 from 'Los Caprichos: There is Plenty to Suck (Mucho hay que chupar.)
Plate 4 of the 'Tauromaquia':They play another with the cape in an enclosure
Portrait of King Ferdinand VII (Retrato del Rey Fernando VII)
Self-Portrait with Dr. Arrieta
When day breaks we will be off
Plate 67 from 'Los Caprichos': Wait till you've been anointed (Aguarda que te unten.)
Pllate 60 from 'Los Caprichos': Trials (Ensayos.)
Plate18 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'Bury them and keep quiet.' (Enterrar y callar.)
Plate 58 from 'Los Caprichos': Swallow it, dog (Tragala perro.)
Zij zijn heet
Plate 12 from 'Los Caprichos': Out hunting for teeth (A caza des dientes.)
Subir y bajar. (To rise and to fall.)
Plate 27 from the 'Tauromaquia': The celebrated picador, Fernando del Toro, draws the fierce beast on with his pike
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