
The Four Seasons: Autumn
Almanach for 1639: Louis XIII and Anne of Austria entrusting the Kingdom and the Heir Apparent to the Virgin
Verloren zoon door zijn vader gekleed
Onderboezem, schacht gedecoreerd met Apollo
Gentleman Holding a Sword
Titelblad: Livre d' Architecture et d' Autels
Lakei die het edict van 1633 navolgt
Jacques Callot
Illustration to Jean Desmarets' "L'Ariane"
The Banquet for the Return of the Prodigal Son
Sibylle de Cumes
A gentleman walking forward, his face in profile to the left, holding his glove in his right hand and wearing a hat, a fur jacket, and shoes with ribbons
La Noblesse Française à l’église (De Franse adel in de kerk)
Dance on the Village Square
Triumphal arch, from 'Éloges et discours sur la triomphante réception du Roy en sa ville de Paris ...' by Jean-Baptiste de Machault
Dance on the Village Square
Visit to the New Mother
Frieze of Ornament with Clasped Hands and Anchor
A gentleman walking forward, with his right arm outstretched and a whip in his left hand, wearing a plumed hat and decorated shoes
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