
Hercules and the Hydra of Lerna: Hercules grasps his club with both hands and confronts the seven-headed hydra, from the series 'The Labors of Hercules'
Plate 25: Acteon Changed into a Stag (Dianae aspectu Actaeon in ceruum), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Plate 2: The city of Rome taken by Constable of Bourbon, from the Triumphs of Charles V
Nachtelijke aanval op een Romeinse vesting, 69-70
Plate 143: Anaxarete Seeing the Dead Iphis (Iphidis suspendium animaduertens Anaxarete in lapidem mutatur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Triumph of a Roman Emperor (left side)
Hercules and the Hind of Mount Cerynea
Plate 101: Bacchus Granting Midas's Wish (Ob restitutum Silenum Midae a Baccho Defertur optio), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Judith and Holofernes
Cain Kills His Brother Abel
Hercules and  Achelous: at center Hercules grasps the horns of a bull while pressing his right foot onto its leg, at left Hercules wrestles a serpent, at right Hercules wrestles a male figure on the ground, from the series 'The Labors of Hercules'
Plate 11: Alexander's Lion Hunt, from The Deeds of Alexander the Great
Conference on What Steps to Take Upon the Romans' New Troops Approaching Across the Alps
The Rebirth of Humankind
Elisha Bringing the Blinded Syrian Army to the King of Israel
The Sirens
The Giants Attempting to Storm Olympus
Lot and His Family recalled home by Abraham
Plate 9: The Romans Defeated by the Dutch Troops at Bonna, from The War of the Romans Against the Batavians (Romanorvm et Batavorvm societas)
Plate 33: Dutch and Roman Flotillas on the Rhine, from The War of the Romans Against the Batavians (Romanorvm et Batavorvm societas)
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