
Tompette de chasseur a cheval
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821), Divisional General
Inspection in 1810
Bonaparte et son Ètat-major en Italie, 1796
The Defense of Champigny
A Dragoon on Horseback
Attaque d'une voie de chemin de fer
Victory is ours! Evening of Iéna, 1806
Un Uhlan
Czar Nicholas II and Félix Faure, President of the French Republic, inspecting the camp de Châlons, October 9, 1896
A Standing Grenadier of the Municipal Guard
Costume pour le rôle de Carmen porté par Anna Caterina Antonacci
Telegraph operator working in a village, in the presence of foreign officers
The distribution of the French army's new flags and standards at Longchamp Racetrack on July 14, 1880.
Sketch of a Man with Upraised Arm and Sketch of a Helmet (verso)
Grenadier of the Imperial Guard on water duty, section of the panorama of the Battle of Rezonville
An Uhlan
Vive L'Empereur
The Cavalryman
French Cuirassier
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