
Saint Jerome
Adoration of the Magi
Three  Lucchese Saints interceding with the Virgin for the Victims of the plague
The Resurrection
Allegory of Painting
The Triumph of Painting on Parnassus
The Sacrifice of Abraham
The Sacrifice of Abraham
The prodigal son seated at the base of a tree among swine, his gaze directed upward and his hands folded at his chest, surrounded by a wooded landscape and a pigsty
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia
The Adoration of the Magi
Untitled: A River God Plus Romulus and Remus and their Wolf Mother
Sacrifice of Isaac: an angel presses against the dagger-bearing arm of Abraham, who stands next to Isaac on an altar, God the Father and an angel bearing a lamb approach from the left
The Symposium
Venus in a Garden with Cupids
Il Liceo della Pittura
Landschap met sater en putti
An Allegory in Honor of Innocent X
Venus and Adonis
Laatste communie van een heilige
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